Mira Martin-Parker's prose piece "Logistics"

                                                                          © 2022 marie c lecrivain

Mira Martin-Parker earned a BA at The New School for Social Research, and an MA in philosophy and an MFA in creative writing at San Francisco State University. Their work has appeared in various publications, including the Istanbul Literary Review, North Dakota Quarterly, great weather for MEDIA, and Zyzzyva. Parker’s collection of short stories, The Carpet Merchant’s Daughter, won the 2013 Five [Quarterly] e-chapbook competition.


It began with connections and exchanges, caravans and camels. It began with packages and trunks, crates filled with papers and such. Books and letters. Spices and salt. Herbs. It began with nights at the serai, chatting by the fire. A story or two. Bits of gossip. Perhaps it even began further back. With animals treading dirt paths over time. Creating openings. Beginnings. Spaces mankind eventually followed. This sharing of clearings soon filled itself with words, names for things. Chatter. Back and forth. More routes. More stops. Ports. Villages. Cities. Invasions. Trading. Enslavement. Escape. Exile. Attention. Direction. North. South. East. West. Sun. Moon. Stars. Wind. Grooves in sandstone. Posts along the way. Markers. Strangers coming to town. Someone going on a journey.

© 2022 Mira Martin-Parker


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