Jeff Santosuosso's poem "Fly Sky-High"


Jeff Santosuosso is a business consultant and award-winning poet living in Pensacola, FL.  His chap book, “Body of Water,” is available through Clare Songbirds Publishing House. He is Editor-in-Chief of, an online journal of poetry and short prose. Jeff’s work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and has appeared in The Comstock Review, San Pedro River Review, South Florida Poetry Journal, The Blue Nib, Mojave River Review, The Lake (UK), Red Fez, Texas Poetry Calendar, Avocet, Pif, and other online and print publications.

Fly Sky-High           

High-scaling cables pulled his gaze up to

the sky.  He followed the parabola.

As a child he’d get sick from tracing curves

from street to sky, accelerating up

over the Bay, bile forming in this throat.

He compensated, eyed the down-slope on

the concave.  Freedom desired, he then vowed

to build these bridges, tongue-tied and so young,

suspended just as cables, tightly set

and coiling, uplifting his desires.

He conjured reasons to traverse the wide

water – to get the paper, or buy milk – 

any excuse would do.  With license, he’d

then cross the water, just drive himself there.

First calculus, applied to physics to

become certified with an architect’s

degree, thereby fulfilling his youth’s vow,

and now finally capable to scale

the giant peaks of passion and great chains

binding his dreams and bridges, earth and air.

© 2022 Jeff Santosuosso


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