Eric Lawson's poem "Nomadic Logic"


© 2022 marie c lecrivain

Eric Lawson is the author of three chapbooks of poetry, four comedy collections, an always-in-progress memoir entitled Welcome to Inglewood, and four short films. He took the Best Poem honors at the 2012 Los Angeles Neo-Noir Film Festival. Most recently, his work has appeared in A Poet is a Poet No Matter How Tall, The San Pedro River Review, and The Edgar Allan Poet Journal. He is a genuinely silly person with a side of the uber profound. Just don’t come between him and his coffee or ketchup.

Nomadic Logic

There is no fight, only flight, in the restless heart.

Answers to imagined questions on the wind.

A backpack and references to MacGyver are

the stock and trade of any artistic wanderer.

There is no settling, only movement, forward.

Winter winds bring questions which linger.

Feigned air of indifference and a drifter’s

hyperactivity sour those with constrictive roots.

In spontaneous travel, the intrepid blood stirs.

In stepping out, there is forward momentum.

In seeking new company, there is community.

In new adventures, the journeys nourish us.

I must walk into the light, if only in circles.

I must exhale my stresses and breathe in life.

I must seek out like-minded individuals who

also need to express their confused desires.

How can a couple, a family, endure the road?

A child needs stability and daily familiarity.

Love that endures seeks nostalgia and rituals.

Small towns cast spells that are not easily broken.

I seek a woman who will fight to keep me wild.

I need a denier of conclusive epilogues and one

adept in putting out daily fires with a wan smile.

I yearn for a love versed in the logic of the nomad.

© 2022 Eric Lawson


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