Don Kingfisher Campbell's poem "Arlington Gardens"
Don Kingfisher Campbell, MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles, taught Writers Seminar at Occidental College Upward Bound for 36 years, been a coach and judge for Poetry Out Loud, a performing poet/teacher for Red Hen Press Youth Writing Workshops, L.A. Coordinator and Board Member of California Poets In The Schools, poetry editor of the Angel City Review, publisher of Spectrum Magazine, and host of the Saturday Afternoon Poetry reading series in Pasadena, California. For awards, features, and publication credits, please go to:
Arlington Gardens
elders stand shade provide protection for youngers below trails made to encircle with wisdom patterns on paths squirrels scamper up look down on tall visitors who walk on ground as they traverse branches catch some sunlight breeze on skin whoosh of close yet distant passing cars do they know such an oasis exists just off paved roads where beings can breathe in smell of wood and berry deep in soil of history walked upon for decades where most souls contemplate communion through words music movement here I sit on a slat bench listen to air carry breaths machines footsteps equally life can stop reflect on time passed remember cycles what brought me to this place words breathing movement just so I can take in gentle wind filtered sun reaching branch meet something greater than myself something wild in a cultivated setting far away autos race to destinations I too cannot stay tonight I will venture into renewal pair myself again with a familiar body hope smiles will recognize each other touch hearts once more commit to traveling together to find peace in days limited but full of sense thought understanding there is a place every hour to be united with earth give thanks these locutions are recorded on ex-tree by water grown to be experienced in poetry of knowledge of dimension sentinels watch humans move on wait for their return to reconvene as one in another passage repeatable until we rejoin dirt we leave behind seeds for minds that they might blossom as sights green and brown flower into worshipped memories shared in lines given a chance to survive moments under a blue sky on a small rock in this great Ferris wheel of a galaxy this universe found in grains and matter to aspire to be like every twig or leaf part of whole story of being survivors continue tradition hearing motors run loving exhalations amidst structured nature creation of humans guided by good inside creator who looks upon creation sees change will not last forever so treasure it while you inhale only for yourself to interact with what we have been given shadows and light sound and feeling notion and action thank you for this gift this sensory location on this day and night carousel of shoes paws and wings
© 2022 Don Kingfisher Campbell
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