Monday, May 27.2024: Lynn White's "Bourgas to Varna"


Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her poetry is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and a Rhysling Award. Find Lynn at: and

Bourgas to Varna

In the days when East was east and West was west

we were travelling in Bulgaria

and wanted to go from Bourgas to Varna.

So we bought a bus ticket from the office in town.

and helpful locals directed us to the bus station.

But once there we were lost

and searched in vain for the bus stop.

We asked and asked,

showed everyone the ticket

but no one could help.

Many pointed to the office nearby.

But we already had a ticket

for the correct date and time.

We were lost beyond our understanding.

And then

there was a sound,

a sound of ship’s hooter

and we were surrounded by people

making running movements with their hands.

So that was how we missed the boat,

missed the last boat of the day,

missed the last boat of the year.

We never did make it to Varna.

 © 2024 Lynn White


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