Thursday, November 16, 2023: Charles A. Perrone's "OV"

Charles A. Perrone was born in the Empire State of New York, grew up in the Golden State of California, last studied in the Lone Star State of Texas, worked in the Sunshine State of Florida, and returned to the West Coast to retire between seashore and redwoods. His published poetry spans the Americas, the oceans, and the Internet, appearing in books and journals (print and digital) in USA, Canada, UK, Mexico, Brazil and Australia. His chapbooks were published by moriapoetry and his volume Designs: Blueprints of Floorplans of a Provisional Residence was released by cyberwit (2022).



Oh, this Odyssean Voyage makes me shiver so.

Like waves of Ulysses with wings, soaring over Dublin,

and the wake of Finnegan finding its way home.

Years at sea, Penelope weaves and thrives

and leaves nothing to chance or the imagination.

James does not recognize me, and Joyce is not his mistress.

If I am not careful I shall land on an Isle of Distress.

Thus is my trip, hip to pages, ages past, and stone.

© 2023 Charles A. Perrone


  1. Marie, it's Angie (Gomez)
    Call me. I left you my # on fb msgr


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