Jackie Chou's "A Kaleidoscopic Dreamscape"

© 2022 marie c lecrivain

Jackie Chou is a poet of Japanese short form poetry and free verses from Southern California who gets her inspiration from both her inner world and outer surroundings. Besides writing, she loves to watch the news, Jeopardy, and talent competitions on TV.

A Kaleidoscopic Dreamscape

The cat shakes off

bits of jacaranda 

in fear of becoming prey

to the purple feline eater

Meanwhile a magician

pulls cubic zirconia 

from a green velvet hat

Lavender blossoms 

carpet the asphalt road

Traces of amethyst shine

in the eyes of the chivalrous 

whose apples fall skyward

who prefer meringue

to lemon filling 

cats over dogs

dressed as old jukebox 

favorite songs

devoid of gray exuberance

© 2022 Jackie Chou


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