Thursday, January 16, 2025: Carole Mertz's "An American Student Abroad"
Carole Mertz is the author of Color and Line , a collection of ekphrastic and other poetry. Her recent work appears in World Literature Today, The Ekphrastic Review, and Quill and Parchment. Carole is Book Review editor at Dreamers Creative Writing. An American Student Abroad Time was—when I walked the cobblestones of Salzburg heading across the river to my music lessons. Those who lived in Mozart's town knew the best places to buy yogurts in glass jars, eaten and returned for a penny. Not many in my class were yogurt fans, suspended as they were between U.S. and Austrian fare. I enjoyed riding the tram, enjoyed calling out “Aussteigen” with my most Germanic flare. The word I knew best, the word I hoped somehow would carry me back to the U.S.of A. © 2025 Carole Mertz