
Tuesday, October 8, 2024: Alex S. Johnson's 'Wicked Candy Smile"

                                                                                  © 2024 Alea Celeste Williams Bio:  Alex S. Johnson's poetry has been featured in numerous venues, including 1 3 Mynah Birds, Black Noise, Horror Sleaze Trash, Misfits, Rye Whiskey Review, Dashboard Horus, and Unlikely Stories . His prose and poetry collections Skull Vinyl and The Doom Hippies were acquired by the Widener Library at Harvard University for their cultural significance. John Shirley, co-creator of the Cyberpunk genre and co-author with David J. Schow of the cult classic horror film The Crow wrote of Johnson's dark poetry collection, The Flowers of Doom, "Alex S. Johnson is the Baudelaire of our time; the poet of the underground." His upcoming books include White on White: A Literary Tribute to Bauhaus and The Flowers of Doom , to be published in an omnibus edition with his dark erotica/witchcraft/pagan poetry collaboration with Sandy DeLuca, Thunderstruck. Johnson liv

Thursday, October 4, 2024: Best of the Net Nominations (2025) for Dashboard Horus

  Best of the Net Nominations (2025) for Dashboard Horus POETRY Lorraine Caputo “Wraiths” Kelley Whilte “Winnipesaukee, Snow Moon” Ann Tweedy “Self-Guided Tour” Pam Ward “Le Revue Negre” Alex S. Johnson “Maps to Never” Charles A. Perrone “OV” FICTION Matt McGee “ Waiting For Take Off” Leah Mueller “The Other Passenger” NONFICTION Elizabeth Jaeger “Bibimbap” Ndaba Sibanda “ Seeking Refuge” ART Edward Lee “Church, Barcelona”

Tuesday, September 24, 2024: Rose Mary Boehm's " Element 79"

Bio: Rose Mary Boehm is a German-born British national living and writing in Lima, Peru, and author of two novels as well as eight poetry collections. Her poetry has been published widely in mostly US poetry reviews (online and print). She was three times nominated for a ‘Pushcart’ and once for ‘Best of Net’. Do Oceans Have Underwater Borders? (Kelsay Books July 2022), Whistling in the Dark (Cyberwit July 2022), and Saudade (December 2022) are available on Amazon. Also available on Amazon is a new collection, Life Stuff , published by Kelsay Books November 2023. Element 79 gold is one of Peru’s major exports A phalanx of red ants on the multi-hued bark. Scarlet, golden, orange skies falling into black nights. Moments when the earth itself offers no aegis. Deep rifts created over sixty million years ago by giants which lifted and folded sedimentary rocks. Five thousand meters high, five deep. Sea, desert, bland, sand, dry, high, snow and ice, lush,

Wednesday, August 28, 2024: Howard Sage's "Matzo Boat Voyage"

Bio: Howard Sage hitchhiked from Dublin to Galway Ireland and from Philadelphia to Ames, Iowa. He edited and published an award winning magazine Pulp .                                 Matzo Boat Voyage                     All the flimsy boats have left. None awaits me. I look toward the sea; a piece of matzo peers above the waves, asks me to leap aboard. We paddle forth. c 2024 Howard Sage

Wednesday, August 7, 2024: Victor D. Infante's "Traveling by Map"

  Bio: Victor D. Infante was born in Pittsburgh, raised in SoCal, educated in England, now lives in the features editor for The Worcester Telegram & Gazett e, and the editor for Worcester Magazine . His first full-length poetry collection, City of Insomnia, was published by Write Bloody Publishing, and his poetic novella, Suffer For This , is set to come out later this year on Moon Tide Press. He's an Aquarius. Go figure. Traveling by Map After Fozzie Bear We arrange to meet in places that don’t exist: Coffee in Burma, chicken cacciatore in Leningrad, tiramisu in that little place in New Amsterdam, the one where we kissed behind drawn curtains, became silhouettes in some black and white movie, the ones they play at night to make insomniacs feel more lonely. Sometimes we miss each other. You pinned a note to the buttocks of a statue in a park in Constantinople; apologies written in Esperanto spray-painted on a wall in Dana, Massachusetts, long, perfect lines of Bra

Wednesday, July 24, 2024: Jeanie Greenfelder's "Time Travel" (and accompanying photo)

                                                                               © 2024 Jeanie Greenfelder   Jeanie Greenfelder’s poems have been published at American Life in Poetry, Writer’s Almanac , and as a Poetry Foundation Poem of the Day; in anthologies and in journals: M iramar, Thema, Askew, Persimmon Tree , and others. She served as the San Luis Obispo County poet laureate, 2017,18. Jeanie’s books are Biting the Apple , Marriage and Other Leaps of Faith , and I Got What I Came For. Learn more at Time Travel My ten-year-old self climbs into her time machine, aims for age twenty-four, and over-shoots the mark. In the ballpark still, but landing with me, age eighty, she pouts, wants to play Monopoly, and eat Twinkies. She hates maintenance, floss, water pick, and brush, wonders why she aches and can’t sleep. Where are the parties and dances she’d imagined? Her prince turns out to be an ancient king. She rails against kale and cauliflower, longs for grille

Wednesday, July 10, 2024: Keiko Amano's "After the Concert"

                                                           © Kyoto News Keiko Amano was born and reared in Yokohama, Japan. She writes both in English and Japanese. Her first book, Ocha Teacher , was published in 2015. Some of her short stories and essays have appeared in magazines. In order of publication, most recent first, they have appeared in p oeticdiversity (US), WilsonFest: Nature and Mystery, Poets on Site (US) , the East Jasmine Review (US), the Bicycle Review (US) , San Dimas Writer’s Workshop (US) , Contemporary Literary Horizon (Romania), and Eye-Ai (Japan). She was an infrastructure systems programmer for Farmers Insurance Group in Los Angeles for thirteen years and worked mainly at the data centers of various corporations in Japan and the U.S. She took many creative writing classes at UCLA Extension and attended Writers workshops. Mother had nothing good to say about the Beatles before, but now she has jumped to my side and joined the cheering crowd. Her motto is t